5,442 research outputs found

    Monetary policy, indeterminacy and learning

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    The development of tractable forward looking models of monetary policy has lead to an explosion of research on the implications of adopting Taylor-type interest rate rules. Indeterminacies have been found to arise for some specifications of the interest rate rule, raising the possibility of inefficient fluctuations due to the dependence of expectations on extraneous "sunspots ". Separately, recent work by a number of authors has shown that sunspot equilibria previously thought to be unstable under private agent learning can in some cases be stable when the observed sunspot has a suitable time series structure. In this paper we generalize the "common factor "technique, used in this analysis, to examine standard monetary models that combine forward looking expectations and predetermined variables. We consider a variety of specifications that incorporate both lagged and expected inflation in the Phillips Curve, and both expected inflation and inertial elements in the policy rule. We find that some policy rules can indeed lead to learnable sunspot solutions and we investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon arises

    A Note on Adult Overwintering of Dasymutilla Nigripes in Michigan (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae)

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    Excerpt: Although Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius) is one of the more common Michigan velvet ant species, little is known about its life cycle. In his summary of mutillid life cycles, Michel (1928) indicated that mutillids of northern latitudes probably overwinter in the prepupal stage within the subterranean cells of their hymenopterous hosts. Bohart and McSwain (1939) cited prepupal overwintering as normal for Dasymutilla sackenii (Cresson) in California. However, Potts and Smith (1944), also working in California, collected overwintering adult female Dasymutilla aureola pacifica (Cresson)

    Monetary Policy, Indeterminacy and Learning

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    The development of tractable forward looking models of monetary policy has lead to an explosion of research on the implications of adopting Taylor-type interest rate rules. Indeterminacies have been found to arise for some specifications of the interest rate rule, raising the possibility of inefficient fluctuations due to the dependence of expectations on extraneous “sunspots ”. Separately, recent work by a number of authors has shown that sunspot equilibria previously thought to be unstable under private agent learning can in some cases be stable when the observed sunspot has a suitable time series structure. In this paper we generalize the “common factor ”technique, used in this analysis, to examine standard monetary models that combine forward looking expectations and predetermined variables. We consider a variety of specifications that incorporate both lagged and expected inflation in the Phillips Curve, and both expected inflation and inertial elements in the policy rule. We find that some policy rules can indeed lead to learnable sunspot solutions and we investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon arises.Monetary Policy, sunspots, expectations, learning, stability

    Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 5: Clinical protocol and the role of the eye-care practitioner

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    This series of articles has described various aspects of visual characteristics of reading difficulties and the background behind techniques such as the use of coloured filters in helping to reduce the difficulties that are experienced. The present article, which is the last in series, aims to describe a clinical protocol that can be used by the busy eye care practitioner for the investigation and management of such patients. It also describes the testing techniques that can be used for the various assessments. Warning: DO NOT LOOK AT FIGURE 7 IF YOU HAVE MIGRAINE OR EPILEPSY

    Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 4: Coloured filters - how do they work?

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    This article is the fourth in a series of five about vision and reading difficulties. The first article provided a general overview and the second covered conventional optometric correlates of reading difficulties (e.g. binocular vision problems). The present article continues on from the third article by describing the use of coloured filters in treating a condition now known as visual stress. Visual stress is often associated with reading difficulties, but also a variety of other neurological conditions. This article concentrates on the possible mechanisms for the benefit from coloured filters, beginning with obvious peripheral factors. The terminology for this condition has changed over the years (e.g. Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome, and Meares-Irlen Syndrome) and the issue of terminology is discussed at the end of this article. Warning: DO NOT LOOK AT FIGURE 6 ON PAGE 33 IF YOU HAVE A MIGRAINE OR EPILEPSY

    Eductive stability in real business cycle models

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    We re-examine issues of coordination in the standard RBC model. Can the unique rational expectations equilibrium be “educed” by rational agents who contemplate the possibility of small deviations from equilibrium? Surprisingly, we find that coordination along this line cannot be expected. Rational agents anticipating small but possibly persistent deviations have to face the existence of retroactions that necessarily invalidate any initial tentative “common knowledge” of the future. This "impossibility" theorem for eductive learning is not fully overcome when adaptive learning is incorporated into the framework.standard RBC model ; coordination

    Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 1: Specific learning difficulties and vision

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    This article is the first in a series of five about vision and reading difficulties, and provides an introduction and an overview of learning disabilities and specific learning difficulties. It outlines the role of the optometrist in helping people with such problems; it describes the symptoms that optometrists should look for and it provides an introduction of the evidence-based approach. The second article in this series will cover the optometric and orthoptic correlates of reading difficulties. Articles three and four will describe the use of coloured filters, including background, techniques, evidence, and mechanism. The final article will draw together the themes in the series of articles and discuss the clinical protocol and the role of the eye care practitioner in managing visual factors associated with reading difficulties

    Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 3: Coloured filters - do they work?

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    This is the third article in a series of five on Vision and Reading Difficulties. The first article provided a general overview of learning disabilities and specific learning difficulties (SpLD). It outlined the role of the optometrist in helping people with SpLD. The second article covered conventional optometric correlates of reading difficulties (e.g. binocular vision problems) This article and the next will describe the use of coloured filters to treat a condition now know as "visual stress", which is often associated with reading difficulties; the symptoms of visual stress were described in Part 1. The terminology for this condition has changed over the years (e.g. Scotopic Sensitivity syndrome, Meares-Irlen syndrome). Terminology is discussed more in Part 4

    Vision and Reading Difficulties Part 2: Optometric correlates of reading difficulties

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    In this second article of the series on vision and reading difficulties, the optometric factors (for example refractive error and orthoptic function) that may be associated with reading problems are discussed in detail. The first article of this series introduced the correlates of, and interventions for, reading difficulties that have been supported by evidence-based research. This present article describes the optometric correlates more specifically, providing details of the aspects of visual function that ought to be considered for further investigation
